ALACE’s AGM will be held at 12.30pm for 1pm on Wednesday 3 July 2019 in the Granville Suite, Trouville Hotel, Priory Road, Bournemouth BH2 5DH. There will be significant items on the agenda relating to ALACE’s future development, organisation and services that it offers, as well as a final chance to debate the proposed exit cap regulations (consultation closes on 3 July!).
The hotel is very near the conference centre where the Local Government Association’s annual conference takes place. A sandwich lunch will be provided and the meeting will finish in time for 2pm when the LGA conference programme resumes.
All members of ALACE are entitled to attend the AGM and you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm if you will be there or if you wish to have your apologies recorded. Retired members may attend but do not have a vote. All members will be sent the agenda and papers for the meeting by e-mail in week commencing 24 June.
Ian Miller
Honorary Secretary, ALACE
[email protected]
07515 190917