Standard Membership (1-year)
I hereby apply for membership of the Association of Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers, and I agree to the membership terms below.
Membership terms
I understand that membership fees are non-refundable.
I understand that the membership fee I pay on joining entitles me to a limited amount of free non-pension consultancy support in my first 12 months of membership, and that I will need to pay £90 per hour for consultancy support – if required – in excess of the free allocation, together with any reasonable expenses incurred by an ALACE consultant in providing such additional support.
I understand that the amount of free consultancy support depends on the period for which I am joining (i.e. 4 hours if paying for the first year, 8 hours if paying for two years’ membership in advance).
I understand that there is no free consultancy support for matters relating to pensions. This will be charged for at all times at the rate agreed by the ALACE Council (currently £90 per hour).
I understand that if I use consultancy support that I am required to pay for, the Association will recover payment from me by whatever means of payment I have set up on joining, and that I will be sent information to confirm the basis of any such payment beforehand.