ALACE has rejected the offer of the Employers’ Side for staff covered by the Joint Negotiating Committee for Chief Executives of Local Authorities.
The offer was made on 10 April and is for 1% for 2018-19 only, when the employers have agreed an increase for the generality of local government staff worth 2% a year for two years.
Tracey Lee, Chair of ALACE, said “Our claim made clear that the pressures facing heads of paid service in leading their organisations through very challenging times continue unabated. Chief executives are asked to provide leadership of the highest quality and resilience in transforming councils, delivering public service reform and securing economic and housing growth. These factors informed our claim which was for pay increases for 1 April 2018 and 1 April 2019 that matched increases for the generality of staff covered by the National Joint Council for Local Government Services.”
“We are very disappointed with the Employers’ offer because it treats chief executives less favourably than other staff in two respects – both in terms of the level of the offer, which represents a further, significant real terms cut in the value of our members’ pay, and because it is for one year only.”
“ALACE has therefore informed the Employers that it does not accept the offer and has asked for a meeting of the Joint Negotiating Committee to discuss the Association’s claim and the Employers’ response.”
To see the offer letter from the Employers’ Side, click here. For coverage of the issue in LGCplus, click here, here, and here.