The trade union for local authority chief executives and senior managers


The Treasury has today (10 April) published draft regulations, draft guidance and draft directions in respect of the £95k cap on exit payments. We will provide a full briefing to members by email tomorrow. Consultation closes on 3 July and then any regulations have to be approved by Parliament so implementation is not imminent. ALACE will respond to the consultation and will be working with other unions to lobby about them.

The drafts have many undesirable features, in particular the inclusion of pension strain counting towards the cap. They create uncertainty because the date for coming into force is not a specified date in the future but the day after they are made following approval by both Houses of Parliament. We are also alert to the unfairness that would potentially be visited upon members working in Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire, where reorganisations are due to happen in April 2020, compared to colleagues in Suffolk, Dorset and Somerset where reorganisations took effect at the beginning of the month.

The consultation document and drafts are available at this link if you wish to start familiarising yourself with them.